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Platon Petridis is Professor of Byzantine Archaeology in the Department of Archaeology & Art History and Director of the NKUA Museum of Archaeology & Art History. He is a graduate of the same Department and holds an MA (1990) and a PhD (1995) from the Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne.

His research interests extend to many aspects of material culture (mainly pottery), the architecture and urbanism of the Early Byzantine period, the conservation and enhancement of archaeological sites and digital humanities.

Associated Researcher at the Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, he has taught as a Lecturer at the University of Crete and as a Visiting Professor at six French Universities and the École Normale Supérieure; he has delivered seminars at many European Universities; he is also teaching at the Greek Open University since 2001. He was the first non-French to become a Scientific Member of the French School of Archaeology at Athens (1996).

He directs or co-directs excavations at Delphi, Thassos and Kapandriti, Attica. The Thassos’ excavation received the Grand Prix d’Archéologie de la Fondation Simone & Cino del Duca 2017.

He is the author or editor of three books and four Conference Proceedings. His book La céramique protobyzantine de Delphes. Une production et son contexte (2010) was awardes with the Prix Gustave Mendel 2011 of the Académie des Inscriptions & Belles Lettres. More than sixty articles in French, English, German, Catalan and Greek have been published in international journals and Conference proceedings.

He is an active member of the boards of many scientific organizations, among them: Vice-President of the Greek Committee of the Association Internationale des études Byzantines, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the P. & A. Kanellopoulos Museum, Member of the Artistic Committeeof the Benaki Museum. He has served as an archaeological expert to Unesco (Beirut, 2015) and as a member of evaluation committees of the French Agence Nationale de Recherche (2012-2015).



Office: 406

E-mail: ppetrid[at]arch.uoa[dot]gr

Tel.: 210 727 7417